Sometimes it is hard to start writing a
review. When it comes to something you love, you really want to have
every part of it grip the reader. Part of the fun in writing reviews
comes from that desire to hold the audience spellbound, to convey
upon them that, “Yes. You should buy/read/watch/play this,”. Not
because you are some sort of advertiser or marketer, but because you
honestly want others to enjoy and experience what you have, even if
their own journeys turn out differently.
I almost didn't write this review. The
fact of the matter is that my respect and adoration for Deus Ex:
Human Revolution is so immense that I worried that I couldn't do
it justice. I have the same feeling for most things that I love. I
have probably mentioned my favorite book, Blade of Tyshalle, a
dozen times in this blog, but have I reviewed it yet? No. Instead, I
lamely review the prequel and sequels surrounding it, as if admiring
it from afar.
Hence, I go into this review with some
trepidation. It is the same fear that comes from showing something
private to a stranger. You want to have them appreciate and love that
which you love but, when it comes to the question of, “Why should
I?”, you don't know where to start. So, more than probably any
other review before this one, I've thought this over, turned upon it
repeatedly in my mind, pored the internet for the best pictures that
I could find, and then settled down to write this, no matter how
awful it may turn out.
Technology's Dominance in the World
of the Future – The Augmentation Debate
Where else could I start but with the
setting of the game and the quintessential question behind it all?
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a
game set in the near future of 2027, a time where corporations have
superseded the power and influence of governments. The world is dark
and urban, reminiscent of Blade Runner. Technology, and the
advancement of it, is paramount, and the world is captivated by the
invention of biomechanical augmentations and their effect on society. It
is hard to overstate how powerfully the debate on augmentations
affects the story of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Incredibly,
the plot and backstory are so well written that we are given a wealth
of information and perspectives on the technology. And the arguments
are so persuasive on all sides that it becomes genuinely hard to
determine what is the right path.
The first perspective we see is that of
Sarif Industries (your employer) and other corporations who build the
augmentations and distribute them to the public. They provide the
argument that augmentations are the next stage of human evolution.
Through mechanically enhancing ourselves, we are better able to seize
our destinies and improve life in general. This has merit; we see
time and time again that augments are used to easily replace limbs,
enhance/replace eyesight, delay aging, fight lung failure, and more. And it is no surprise that the use of augmentations is opposed; most new technologies receive a fair share of demonization before people are used to the change.
But there are also those who hate the
concept of augmentation and believe that the human body is perfect as
it is. This manifests in different ways. There are some who regard
the body as a divine vessel that shouldn't be tainted with machinery.
There are others who believe that augmentations are too dangerous and
can be misused. This gains credence when you see how dangerous
augmented soldiers can be when the technology is militarized. And
then there are others who point out that augmentations are affordable
only for the rich, thus making the gap between rich and poor even
In between, we have those who believe
that research and distribution of augmentations should be encouraged,
but only under the weight of strict regulation so that it isn't
misused or manipulated by those who have the power to do so. In their
defense, the pro-augmenters point out that the technology can only
help humanity and that the regulation of it will prevent realization
of the technology's full ability to take us to places that we've
never dreamed of reaching.
As you go through the game, the
characters you meet and the places you go subtly press the
perspectives surrounding augmentation upon you. And all of it comes
to a head in one of the most brilliant endings I've ever encountered
in a video game: a confrontation of ideas where you influence the
direction of the entire human race in a selection of different
possible options where there isn't a wrong answer. It is one of the
most difficult choices I've made in a video game and, if I were to
talk about it, it would take up pages by itself. It is the purest
realization of the saying, “Knowledge is power,” and easily
proves that video games are capable of talking about immensely
complicated and deep social issues.
Adam Jensen
Plot and Characters – Corporate
Espionage in a War of Shadows
In Deus Ex: Human Revolution,
you control Adam Jensen, the head security chief of Sarif Industries,
one of the main producers and innovators of augmentation technology.
Within minutes of the game's start, the corporation's headquarters
are attacked by an unknown faction. Jensen investigates and is nearly
killed trying to stop augmented mercenaries. The only thing that
saves him is months of surgery and the willingness of his employer,
David Sarif, to insert Jensen with enough biomechanical parts to keep
him alive. From here, much of the plot is finding out why Sarif
Industries was attacked, discovering why many of the scientists were
killed, and realizing that there are immensely powerful players and
factions at work whose objectives influence you, your companions, and
the entire world.
The story of Deus Ex: Human
Revolution is one primarily of corporate espionage, operating in
the shadows, and investigating people and businesses when and where
they least expect it. In this, the game succeeds brilliantly at being
somewhere between a dark science fiction and crime noir novel. Much
of the time, you just don't know what is going on, and one of the
best parts of the game is discovering one small piece of information
after another that gives you a better concept of what is happening.
If I were compare it to a movie, I would compare it to Quantum of
Solace, that most recent Bond movie where we, as the audience,
don't quite know who or what the enemy is or how to stop it. That
same disturbing realization that there are powers at work beyond your
comprehension permeates the atmosphere of Deus Ex: Human
David Sarif
Along the way, you meet a wide cast of
characters who help, oppose, or operate independently from you. They
have their own motivations, complexities, and quirks to a degree that
you rarely see in a video game. One of my favorite relationships in
the game is between Jensen and Frank Pritchard, head of Sarif's
cyber-security team. Throughout the game, especially in areas where
you are on your own on an infiltration mission, Pritchard's is the
only voice you hear through your receiver. And the guy is a prick.
Seriously, the moment you meet this guy, the first thing you want to
do is reach through the screen, slap him in the face, and call him an
asshole. But, despite it all, you work together and are on the same
team. Thus it is interesting to watch that, even though Jensen and
Pritchard are annoyed to high hell with each other most of the time,
they have a mutual respect and, on some level, an attachment and
caring for one another. It is a measure of nuance that I didn't
expect to see, and was pleased to encounter it.
These nuanced sorts of relationships
are everywhere and help turn a good plot into a great one. You and
your employer, David Sarif, have a peculiar sort of father-son
relationship. Your confrontations with Bill Taggart, a spokesman for
the anti-augmentation movement, take on a baiting quality that
illustrates that Taggart respects you while simultaneously reveling
in attacking your personal positions on the augmentation debate.
Jensen's relationship with Faridah Malik, his pilot, is one that
slowly takes on the quality of feeling like two people clutching to
each other in a storm that they do not understand. Hell, just talking
about the depth of this game's characters and story makes me want to
stop writing about it and just play it again!
Gameplay – Choices Beyond Measure
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is
designed to provide an enormous amount of player choice. Aside from
the different endings that you can choose from, the game offers a
vast multitude of ways that you can play the game. To fully
illustrate this, let me create an example for you:
At one point, you infiltrate a
competing augmentation corporation in search of sensitive files that
will help tell you what their overall goals are. You have snuck
inside and now you have a number of choices regarding how you want to
try and search the facility. Before you choose, though, you look
around the corner and see cameras, a concealed security turret, a
half-dozen patrolling guards, and, in a corner office, a scientist
typing away at a keyboard.
At this juncture, you have a number of
You can run at the first guard,
dispatch him with the razor sharp blades hidden on your forearms.
You then take cover and gun down the remaining guards while tossing
an EMP grenade to dispatch the turret.
You can observe their patrol
patterns and silently approach each guard in turn, knocking them out
one-by-one and dragging their unconscious bodies into areas or
cubicles where they won't easily be discovered. You can then watch
the tracking of the camera and sneak past it when it's faced away
from you.
You can do the same stealthy
observation routine and just sneak by everyone without knocking out
anyone at all.
You can discover a nearby
ventilation shaft which you can crawl through in order to bypass the
entire area or attain a better vantage point.
You can look for a security
console in a nearby room, hack into it, turn off the cameras and
fiddle with the turret's safety measures so that it can't
distinguish friend or foe. The resulting firefight could either take
out the guards or provide a distraction enough for you to bypass
You can sneak into the scientist's
office and persuade him that you are: A. A guard who forgot the
access code into the next area, B. Someone who he really doesn't
want to piss off right now and thus should give you his computer
passcode so you can read his emails and perhaps retrieve the
information you're looking for, or C. Appeal to the fact that he
really hates his job and has no loyalty to the corporation and thus
should help make your corporate espionage easier.
Knock out or kill the scientist
and get access codes from his cell phone.
Any combination of these
And I haven't even mentioned the
possibilities that open up from the augmentations that you can use.
One augmentation enhances your ability to lift things, thus allowing
you to, if you wanted, pick up nearby vending machines to hurl with
incredible force at the guards as if they were bowling pins. Another
augmentation enhances your jumping ability, meaning you could jump to
the second floor and bypass any need to access the stairwell, if that
was a concern. You can punch through a weak wall and make your own
entrances. You can activate a short-term cloaking device to roll from
cover to cover. You can implement your rebreather/oxygen supply
augmentation so that you may scatter gas grenades everywhere and then
walk casually through the coughing and soon-to-be-unconscious guards.
And a whole slew of others.

But what was perhaps most impressive to
me was the inclusion of what are essentially persuasion boss
battles. This is where you run into someone who you need to
convince of something (it could be someone threatening to kill a
hostage or someone considering suicide), and you have to try and
gauge how best to persuade them to do what you want them to do by
reading their reactions and trying to understand their perspectives.
You can choose to confront, redirect, appease, accuse, and on and
on... And the decisions and choices that you make truly matter.
If you choose to threaten to expose a cop's drug addiction in order
to get him to do what you want, he will lose his job, show up at your
apartment, and try to kill you (this happened to me, and I was so
surprised that he actually succeeded and I had to reload). If you
successfully persuade someone that you are trustworthy, you might get
information about what's going on to a degree and extent that you
wouldn't have received otherwise. It's hard for me to convey how
unique and immensely satisfying it was to convince a dying man to
take on augmentations to save his life, even though he loathed
augmentations with every fiber of his being. I basically had to turn
around his entire life's philosophy by reading his reactions as he
was dying in front of my eyes.
Conclusion – Go Play This Game
All in all, Deus Ex: Human
Revolution offers tricky social concepts, incredibly interesting
characters, a perfect cloak-and-dagger plot, and gameplay choices
beyond count. It has themes on transhumanism, intelligent references
to mythological tales such as the story of Daedalus and Icarus, and
blah, blah, blah. This game is amazing. You know I think it. If any
of this appeals, then you are missing out if you don't check out this
game. It's definitely worth your time and is one of the best and most
comprehensively awesome games I've every played.